Isabella Akaliza

Isabella is Solid Minds Social Media and Communications Consultant and the founder of FreeThePeriod in Rwanda, an initiative that campaigns for increased accessibility to period products and the end of period poverty, a movement to provide safe period products globally to women and girls that don’t have proper access to them.

Originally from Rwanda, she is a multilingual, results-driven communication specialist with a track record of leading successful national public health campaigns.

FreeThePeriod was founded in May 2019; by December of the same year, Isabella had successfully campaigned for the tax exemption of period products in Rwanda in a bid to make them more affordable. By providing period products to schools, FreeThePeriod continues to help reduce the rate of school dropouts and absenteeism of girls in Rwanda, ensuring that the human right to education for all is upheld. Her hope is that one day, all period products will be free, period poverty will be abolished, and the advocacy for free period products will be written into law.

Isabella’s passion for advocacy continues to this day, and she uses her skills at developing and maintaining effective internal and external stakeholder relations to campaign for other essential public health agendas as well. At Solid Minds she supports the strategy development and implementation of our social media channels and communication campaigns/events as well as contributes to the development of our brand.

Isabella is currently pursuing a Master’s in Gender, Feminist and women’s studies at York University, Canada. “My hope is to study the obstacles that hinder the advancement of equality in policy-making practice and implementation,” says Isabella. “I also wish to pursue a PhD to fulfill my lifelong desire of researching, writing, and contributing to betterment of our society.”

She works in English.